तपाईंले पोस्ट गरेको सामग्री ‘राष्ट्रिय एकता’ र ‘सामाजिक सद्भाव’ विरोधी

कल्पनात्मक (समय: २०८२ साल, असोज २३।) म एका बिहानै आफ्नो मोबाइल हेर्दै झस्किए। मेरो लेख, जसमा सरकारले ठूला व्यापारीहरूलाई कर छुट दिएको विषयमा थियो, सामाजिक सञ्जालबाट हटाईएको रहेछ । फेसबुकमा ‘पोस्ट हटाइयो’ भन्ने सूचना आएको थियो, ट्विटरमा लेख सेन्सर गरिएको थियो। अझ अचम्म त के भने,  मेरो  व्यक्तिगत इमेलमा सरकारले चेतावनीपत्र...

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Thanks Message – जन्मदिनको सुभकामना दिनुहुने सबैलाई धन्यवाद ।

I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to all of my friends and family who took the time to wish me a happy birthday. Your kind words, warm wishes, and loving messages have made me feel so special and loved on this special day. Each and every one of you...

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How Your Small Business Can Benefit from eCommerce?

Research suggests that the e-commerce industry is expected to make 22% of global retail sales by 2023. That being said, it’s practical to start working on your online store as soon as possible. E-Commerce has transformed the world of businesses, and it has become more evident since the pandemic started. The accessibility...

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